The AMA continues to hear from physicians who feel unprepared to participate successfully in Medicare’s new Merit-based Incentive Payment System, despite the transitional flexibility provided for 2017. In particular, it seems that physicians who never participated in Medicare reporting programs before need basic information on how to avoid a payment penalty in 2019 through minimal reporting in 2017.
To help address this need, which we believe is particularly acute for physicians in smaller practices, the AMA is extending “Pick Your Pace” activities to run through the end of the year to disseminate simple instructions on how to report “one patient, one measure, no penalty.” To help amplify our outreach for this educational effort, we are encouraging state medical societies and national medical specialty societies to participate and share this information from now through Dec. 31.
The AMA developed a short video, entitled “One patient, one measure, no penalty: How to avoid a Medicare payment penalty with basic reporting,” which is accessible on the AMA web site at ama-assn.org/qpp-reporting. Also on this web site physicians can find a sample CMS-1500 claim form, links to quality measures on the CMS web site, a link to the CMS MIPS eligibility tool, and other materials. Please visit this page, view the resources, and consider joining us for a coordinated outreach to physician practices so that we can help as many physicians as possible avoid a negative 4 percent Medicare payment reduction in 2019.
NEW: MIPS Action Plan
The AMA has released a new customizable resource, the MIPS Action Plan, geared towards helping physicians think strategically about how to successfully implement MIPS in 2017. This resource will help physicians determine the right course of action for their practice, provide recommended steps to meet program requirements, and measure their performance against important milestones. DON’T DELAY – act now to avoid penalties and succeed in MIPS for 2017.
- One Patient, One Measure, No Penalty resources, including the step-by-step video
- Wire® articles on MACRA/QPP
- AMA/KPMG survey: Survey Finds Doctors Don’t Feel Prepared for Quality Reporting Rules (Press release)
- Social media posts with a short video
- Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/AmericanMedicalAssociation/videos/10158958420550109/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmerMedicalAssn/status/888756817609838592
- Digital ads and full and half page print ads (upon request)
- ReachMD series, “Inside Medicare’s New Payment System”
Please help us spread the word. If you need additional information, reply to Terri Marchiori at [email protected].
December 6-9, 2017
Vail Marriott | Vail, CO
2017 Advanced Course in Allergy & Immunology
The Advanced Course in Allergy & Immunology builds on the basic clinical care of allergic patient concepts and techniques presented at the AAOA’s Basic Course in Allergy & Immunology. It delves into concomitant disease, comorbidities, organ-based symptomatology and disease management, and the more complicated patient. Read More

MACRA Resources
December 6-9, 2017
Vail Marriott | Vail, CO
2017 Advanced Course in Allergy & Immunology
The Advanced Course in Allergy & Immunology builds on the basic clinical care of allergic patient concepts and techniques presented at the AAOA’s Basic Course in Allergy & Immunology. It delves into concomitant disease, comorbidities, organ-based symptomatology and disease management, and the more complicated patient. Read More