Seems impossible that the end of summer is here. While I look forward to football (Penn State!) and sweatshirts, the end of summer is always a little bittersweet. Perhaps it is a longing for the carefree vibe to carry on.…
Here is What You Missed…
2019 New Orleans was an outstanding success? With over 500 participants, our AAOA members left New Orleans re-energized, re-freshed, and re-engaged. The program offered something for everyone — from cutting edge clinical content to every day how to’s for practice management efficiencies. The Chicory and Content Meets Culture tours gave attendees a unique look at New Orleans blending with clinical discussions and dialogue with peers.
Were you 1 of the over 500? We would love your perspective. What was your biggest take away? Any “ah-ha” moments or changes you made to your practice upon returning? We are currently crowdsourcing for 2020 Scottsdale (link). We encourage you to go to this link to tell us what you want to see in Scottsdale. What content should we repeat or expand on? What new content would you like to see? What would make the biggest impact on your practice?
Did you miss out on New Orleans? Suffering from slight FOMO? We want to hear from you too. What would make Scottsdale a not-to-be-missed program for you?
Interested in teaching? The AAOA has a tremendous pool of talent within its membership. Submit you abstract or presentation idea to the AAOA for consideration. Recommendations for hot topics, trending speakers, and what would add value to you and your practice are key to helping us build a successful program.
Mark your calendar for Scottsdale 2020 and share what would you like to learn or engage with peers on.